Spike ranch dressing with mustard and fresh dill and mix it with warm, cooked chicken strips. Toss those ranch chicken strips and potatoes with colorful bell peppers and you'll have Ranch Chicken & Potato...
Try something new with our delicious Sweet and White Potato Salad recipe! Bacon, two kinds of potatoes and a creamy honey mustard dressing make this Sweet and White Potato Salad extra delicious. Sorry,...
Turn your next barbecue into a real event with our Honey-Garlic Scallop Kabobs recipe. We're not sure what we like better about Honey-Garlic Scallop Kabobs, the fact that they are wrapped in bacon or the...
Look like a confectioner making this Chocolate-Covered Coconut Candy recipe. The coconut candy has just 4 ingredients that pull off a fancy look and taste.
Can your tuna casserole top this VELVEETA® Tuna & Noodles recipe? Its a one-pot, stovetop dish with just five ingredients-and it's ready in 30 minutes.
Show off with our Creamy Chicken Pastry Recipe. Puff pastries are topped with chicken, mushrooms and a chive and onion sauce in this chicken pastry recipe.
Find out how ridiculously easy it is to make our Cheesy Mashed Potatoes. The crowd will roar with approval for our Cheesy Mashed Potatoes with bacon bits.
A yummy answer to the age-old how-to-make-chicken-breasts-exciting question: Bake them in a Florentine-style dish with stuffing, spinach and creamy soup.
Bring together the perfect food combo with our Shrimp Linguine Pasta Recipe. All you need is 30 minutes to make our classic Shrimp Linguine Pasta Recipe.
Crush your chocolate sandwich cookies to make Chocolate Cookie Balls! So rich and creamy, you'll find yourself hanging out by the dessert table for these cookie balls.
Make stuffing special with our Easy Cracker Stuffing recipe. Crackers replace bread in this simple and savory Easy Cracker Stuffing recipe that serves 14.
One of my frequent food-brain thought patterns goes like this: "Wow, I love this blend of flavors. Hmm. I wonder if it can it be made into a bread." This recipe is bold on the spices and coconut, and subtle...