Best Adobo De Chiles Para El Pavo Recipes

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Pavo con adobo de chiles anchos image

Este platillo de pavo representa uno de los mejores sabores latinos: adobo de chiles anchos. ¡Qué delicia!

Provided by My Food and Family

Categories     Recetas de cena

Time 5h15m

Yield 22 porciones

Number Of Ingredients 12

4 rebanadas de tocino (tocineta) OSCAR MAYER Bacon, picadas
3 dientes de ajo, picados
3 tallos de apio, picados
1/2 taza de uvas pasas
3 ramitas de tomillo fresco
1-1/2 taza de jugo de naranja, cantidad dividida
4 tazas de arroz blanco de grano largo ya cocido
1 pavo congelado (14 lb); descongélalo antes de usar
2 cucharaditas de aceite
1/2 taza de salsa para asar original KRAFT Original Barbecue Sauce
4 chiles anchos, sin rabos ni semillas e hidratados
2 cucharaditas de orégano mexicano seco


  • Calienta el horno a 325ºF.
  • Cocina el tocino en una sartén grande hasta que esté crujiente. Utiliza una cuchara con ranuras para retirarlo de la sartén; escúrrelo en toallas de papel. Deshazte de la grasa en la sartén. Agrega a la sartén el ajo, el apio, las uvas pasas, el tomillo y 1 taza de jugo de naranja; revuélvelos. Cocínalos 5 min.; incorpora el arroz y el tocino. Retira la sartén del fuego; déjala enfriar 15 min.
  • Retira el cuello y los menudillos de las cavidades del pavo; deséchalos. Enjuaga el pavo; escúrrelo bien. Suelta las piernas de su posición metida, pero no cortes la faja de pellejo. Coloca el pavo con la pechuga hacia arriba en la rejilla de la asadera (molde para hornear). Rellena el pavo con la mezcla de arroz; barnízalo con el aceite. Cubre la pechuga con una hoja suelta de papel aluminio para evitar que se dore demasiado.
  • Hornea el pavo 3 horas 45 min. Mientras tanto, licúa el resto del jugo de naranja, la salsa para asar, los chiles y el orégano en la licuadora.
  • Quítale el papel de aluminio al pavo. Barniza el pavo con 1/3 taza de la mezcla con salsa para asar. Hornéalo destapado 30 min. o hasta que esté cocido (alcance temperatura interna de 165ºF). Déjalo reposar 15 min. antes de trincharlo. Mientras tanto, retira el exceso de grasa del jugo del pavo y viértelo en una cacerola; agrega el resto de la mezcla con salsa para asar. Hiérvela revolviendo con frecuencia.
  • Sirve el pavo con la salsa caliente.

Nutrition Facts : Calories 370, Fat 0 g, SaturatedFat 0 g, TransFat 0 g, Cholesterol 0 g, Sodium 0 g, Carbohydrate 0 g, Fiber 0 g, Sugar 0 g, Protein 0 g


Adobo de chiles para el pavo image

Este sazón para el pavo preparado con chiles es un buen representante de los mejores sabores de Latinoamérica.

Provided by My Food and Family

Categories     Recetas de cena

Time 1h15m

Yield 24 porciones

Number Of Ingredients 4

6 onzas de chiles guajillos, sin semillas ni cabitos
1/2 taza de aderezo italiano fuerte KRAFT Zesty Italian Dressing
1 cebolla, picada fina
1/4 cucharadita de pimienta negra


  • Coloca los chiles en un recipiente pequeño. Cúbrelos completamente con agua caliente; déjalos reposar durante 20 min. o hasta que se ablanden. Pon los chiles y 1/2 taza del agua de remojo en la licuadora; licúalos hasta obtener una consistencia homogénea.
  • Calienta el aderezo en una sartén pequeña, a fuego medio. Agrega las cebollas; cocina y revuelve durante 3 min. Incorpora la salsa de chiles y la pimienta; mantén un hervor suave a fuego medio-bajo durante 20 min., revolviendo de vez en cuando. Déjalo enfriar.
  • Esparce 2 cdas. de la salsa por el interior de la cavidad del pavo y otras 2 cdas. sobre la carne, debajo de la piel. Cierra la abertura del pescuezo, sujetando la piel con palillos de dientes. Frota toda la piel del pavo con el resto de la salsa. Cocina según las instrucciones, barnizando el pavo con el juego que suelte de vez en cuando.

Nutrition Facts : Calories 20, Fat 0 g, SaturatedFat 0 g, TransFat 0 g, Cholesterol 0 g, Sodium 0 g, Carbohydrate 0 g, Fiber 0 g, Sugar 0 g, Protein 0 g

Understanding Adobo de Chiles para el Pavo Recipes

Adobo de Chiles para el Pavo recipe is a traditional Mexican recipe used to marinate and flavor turkey dishes. The recipe consists of a delicious blend of different types of chiles, spices, and herbs mixed with vinegar or citrus juice.
The Origin of Adobo de Chiles para el Pavo Recipes
Adobo de Chiles para el Pavo recipes have their origins in the state of Puebla, Mexico. In this region, adobo is used in many dishes like mole, chile rellenos, and more. The use of adobo in turkey dishes is well established and has become an essential part of the Mexican culture.
Ingredients Used in Adobo de Chiles para el Pavo Recipes
1. Chile ancho: A type of dried chili pepper that is mildly to moderately spicy. 2. Chile guajillo: A type of dried chili pepper that is mildly spicy and has a smoky, fruity taste. 3. Chile pasilla:A type of dried chili pepper that has a mild to medium heat level and a rich, earthy flavor. 4. Garlic: A fresh or powdered ingredient used to provide a unique, pungent taste to the adobo. 5. Cumin: An aromatic spice that provides a strong, earthy flavor to the adobo. 6. Cinnamon: A sweet spice that provides a warm, aromatic flavor to the adobo. 7. Oregano: A dried herb that provides a mild, slightly bitter taste to the adobo. 8. Salt: A mineral that enhances the overall flavor of the adobo. 9. Vinegar or citrus juice: A liquid ingredient that serves as a base for the adobo and helps to blend all other ingredients.
The Preparation of Adobo de Chiles para el Pavo Recipes
To prepare Adobo de Chiles para el Pavo recipes, the dried chiles are roasted, soaked, and blended into a smooth paste with garlic, cumin, cinnamon, oregano, and salt. Finally, the paste is mixed with vinegar or citrus juice to create a flavorful marinade.
Uses of Adobo de Chiles para el Pavo Recipes
Adobo de Chiles para el Pavo recipes are versatile and can be used in various ways, such as: 1. Marination: Adobo de Chiles para el Pavo marinade is used to infuse turkey dishes with a delicious combination of flavors. 2. Cooking: Adobo de Chiles para el Pavo can be used as a seasoning while cooking turkey. 3. Topping: Adobo de Chiles para el Pavo can also be used as a topping for turkey dishes.
Variations of Adobo de Chiles para el Pavo Recipes
There are several variations of Adobo de Chiles para el Pavo recipes across Mexico. The ingredients and preparation method may vary from region to region. Some of the variations of Adobo de Chiles para el Pavo are: 1. Adobo de Chiles Secos: This variation of Adobo de Chiles para el Pavo uses dried chiles, but it is prepared without the use of vinegar or citrus juice. 2. Adobo de Chile Ancho: This variation of Adobo de Chiles para el Pavo uses Chile ancho and is milder than other variations. 3. Adobo de Chile Chipotle: This variation of Adobo de Chiles para el Pavo uses Chipotle chiles and is known for its smoky, sweet flavor.
Adobo de Chiles para el Pavo recipes are an integral part of Mexican cuisine, especially during holiday celebrations like Dia de los Muertos and Christmas. The unique flavor and aroma of this marinade make it a must-try for anyone interested in Mexican cuisine. The recipe can also be adapted to suit one's taste preferences, making it a versatile dish for all occasions.
Adobo de chiles para el pavo, or chili adobo for turkey, is a delicious Mexican sauce that adds depth of flavor and spice to turkey dishes. This sauce is versatile, easy to make, and can be used not only for turkey, but also for other meats, vegetables, and even as a dipping sauce for chips. Here are some valuable tips to consider when making adobo de chiles para el pavo recipes.

Choose the right type of chiles

The key ingredient of adobo de chiles para el pavo is, of course, chiles. There are many different types of chiles, each with their unique flavor and heat level. When making chili adobo for turkey, it is important to choose the right type of chiles that will give the sauce the right balance of flavor and heat. One popular type of chiles to use is ancho chiles. Ancho chiles are dried poblano peppers that have a mild to medium heat level and a sweet, fruity flavor. They are commonly used in Mexican cuisine and are perfect for making adobo de chiles para el pavo as they provide a rich, smoky flavor with just enough heat. Another type of chiles that you can use is guajillo chiles. Guajillo chiles are also dried chiles that have a medium heat level and a slightly tart flavor. They are commonly used in Mexican cuisine as well and can also be used in combination with ancho chiles to add some complexity to the sauce.

Toast and soak the chiles

Toasting the chiles before using them can enhance their flavor and aroma. To toast the chiles, simply heat a dry skillet over medium-high heat and place the chiles on the skillet. Toast the chiles for a few seconds on each side until they become fragrant and slightly blistered. Soaking the chiles in hot water before pureeing them can also help soften them and make them easier to blend. To soak the chiles, place them in a bowl and pour enough hot water over them to cover them. Let them soak for about 20 minutes until they become soft and pliable.

Add other ingredients for flavor

Aside from chiles, adobo de chiles para el pavo can also include other ingredients to enhance its flavor. Some common ingredients that can be added to adobo de chiles para el pavo recipes include onions, garlic, cumin, oregano, and tomatoes. Onions and garlic can add some sweetness and depth of flavor to the sauce. Cumin and oregano can provide some earthiness and complexity to the sauce, while tomatoes can add some acidity and sweetness.

Blend the sauce thoroughly

To make sure that the adobo de chiles para el pavo has a smooth and uniform consistency, it is important to blend the sauce thoroughly. You can use a blender or a food processor to blend the sauce until it becomes smooth and silky. If the sauce is too thick, you can add some water or chicken broth to thin it out. If the sauce is too thin, you can add some more chiles or reduce the amount of liquid in the recipe.

Use the sauce as a marinade or a finishing sauce

Adobo de chiles para el pavo can be used in various ways in cooking. One popular way to use it is as a marinade for turkey or other meats. Simply coat the turkey with the sauce and let it marinate for a few hours or overnight before grilling or baking it. Another way to use the sauce is as a finishing sauce. After cooking the turkey, you can brush some of the sauce on the meat to add some extra flavor and heat. The sauce can also be used as a dipping sauce for chips or veggies.
Adobo de chiles para el pavo is a versatile and flavorful Mexican sauce that can elevate any meal. By choosing the right type of chiles, toasting and soaking them, adding other ingredients for flavor, blending the sauce thoroughly, and using it as a marinade or a finishing sauce, you can create a delicious and spicy dish that will impress your guests.

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