An iconic cocktail named for Giuseppe Garibaldi, a revolutionary who played a leading role in the unification of Italy. The Campari, from Milan, represents the north, while oranges from Sicily represent...
W. C. Whitfield's original Kitty Highball recipe-equal parts red wine and ginger ale over ice-goes contemporary. In this deconstructed version the ginger ale is replaced with ginger syrup and soda.
This festive Thanksgiving cocktail balances bittersweet Campari with unsweetened 100% cranberry juice. This drink's tartness and bitterness awakens the palate.
The precursor to the Pimm's Cup, the old Claret Cup employs a wine base to make a drink that is light and redolent of additions such as borage, cucumber, or strawberries. There are multiple recipes, but...
When we opened Bar Sardine in the summer of 2014, we wanted an all-day Bloody Mary on the menu, and call me Dr. Seuss, but I couldn't stop thinking about green green green Bloodys. Tomatillos can be a...
Delicate rose water (a common ingredient in Middle Eastern sweets) and tart lemonade are a refreshing combination in this pretty pink drink. Ice cubes studded with flowers and berries add a stunning finishing...