A simple red wine sauce with brown sugar, garlic, paprika, salt, and pepper makes this dish simply yummy! Braised chicken breasts, brazenly good taste.
Easy, moist, flavorful and aromatic -- the white wine, artichokes and mushrooms make this chicken dish the to way to any man's heart! Delicious served with buttered noodles and fresh greens.
A quick and easy chicken dish. Note: you can substitute orange juice or marmalade for the apricot jam to make orange glazed chicken! Serve with rice if desired.
Chicken breasts adorned with a fresh rosemary rub, then sauteed and braised in a sauce of orange juice, white wine and maple syrup. This wonderfully rich glaze makes an elegant, quick dinner to serve to...
This chicken recipe is quick, easy, and yummy. The orange juice makes a tangy sauce that my family loves served over rice. Add a salad, and you have a healthy, quick meal. I allow one chicken breast per...
This recipe is a variation on traditional chicken piquant which is spicy Cajun chicken. This comes together quickly and is good served over white rice.
Chicken French has everything I love in a recipe. It's delicious and easy, frugal, yet fancy, and everyone loves it. Better yet, it has a vague, confusing history and completely preposterous name. This...
A very flavorful, chicken dish that my friends rave about. Serve over halved baked potatoes, using the sauce as a gravy for the potato and the chicken. Can also be served over pasta noodles.
This is a refreshing, different way to serve chicken with sauce. Delightful served over rice. Add a salad, and you have a healthy, quick meal. This is also an elegant meal for special company.
Necessity is the mother of invention. This recipe was created by me because I had a 1 1/2 hour commute to/from work. I have two teenage boys who require a hearty meal to sustain them for at least 1 hour...
Diced chicken breast is draped in a creamy sauce with green onions and peppers plus tarragon for the finishing touch. Enjoy a delicious, comforting chicken dish as well as a reminder on how to make cream...
One of my husband's favorites. I've been making this for over fifteen years, and he's not sick of it yet! Serve with pan sauces, crusty French bread and a tossed green salad.
Since food for air travel needs to be prepared far in advance, airlines back in the day created a special cut of chicken breast that wouldn't dry out as much as normal.
A great new twist on sweet and sour chicken. This recipe is quick enough to prepare any night of the week and easily doubled or halved. Try adding sliced red bell pepper to the onions and garlic while...
This is a wonderful dinner that my mom and I came up with while trying to cook a seafood supper for the men. This meal is very delish and warming of the tummy.
This is a French chicken dish cooked with vegetables, herbs and burgundy wine that is absolutely marvelous. I make it for special occasions and am always complimented on it. Serve with hot cooked noodles,...