On an afternoon in May, a favorite Provençal bistro served us this utterly delicious and totally beautiful spring salad of blanched asparagus, a perfect poached egg draped with a shiny, fragrant slice...
One for all the family, this is a versatile recipe that can be prepped in advance and any left overs stored for lunches. The chorizo provides a delicious amount of flavour to really spice up this chicken...
Puréeing beet greens into pesto and tossing asparagus ribbons into fettuccine is a great way to incorporate healthy vegetables into pasta. A poached egg adds richness and protein to the dish. If you are...
Roasted garlic and asparagus prepared in a neat packet. Preparation time: 10 minutes. (Note: you can omit the wine and decrease the garlic and oil if desired.) This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles...
Mild, buttery Fontina cheese is delightful paired with earthy asparagus, but if you can't find it, you can replace it with provolone, or use all Gruyère here.